Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Personal Mountain

(get it cause it's a mountain of laundry!?!)

On my personal blog I have many a times blogged about my inability to tackle and conquer the mountain of laundry that always seems to pile up at our house. It is such a big deal to me that I made it one of my New Year's resolutions this year; doing and folding the laundry in a timely manner. Apparently I have not had any success at that yet. I am REALLY good at getting it into the washer and dryer, but the folding part has yet to be done quickly after. 

I think that some of my problem is that I don't have enough space in our home to fold the laundry while the kids are awake without having them run or crawl over my nice, neat piles while I'm still folding. The few times I've tried I have become Mean Mommy, and she has an ugly attitude with no patience (and I have a sneaking suspicion I will refer to Mean Mommy a lot on this blog). I try to avoid letting her loose when I can, so needless to say folding laundry happens after they go to bed at night. The only problem is, I have TONS of other things to get done at night after they go to bed and laundry never seems to be a priority. Hence, the lovely mountain of clean laundry. 

Why am I blogging about this? Because I know it's not directly about being a mother or parenting, but I need help! I need suggestions and ideas, tips and advice. How do I conquer my mountain?


The Halladay Family said...

what about folding it up on the table while the kids are playing? Take it from the dryer directly over to the dining room table and fold right away. If you pick a day, and tell Abbie when it is, then she will know what is going on, and hopefully stay out of your way. If you start the habit, Abbie will understand, and maybe she can do something during "folding time" that is just for her. It sucks to fold standing at the table, but you will avoid the floor traffic, just an idea.

Stephanie Cozzens said...

Can't help you there. I called my own blog "The Mount Laundry News" for good reason.
If it makes you feel better, the pile of laundry in your picture looks tiny compared to mine.
-Steph (I mean, OTHER Steph)

melly42 said...

With a household of 7 I frequently say that laundry is the bane of my existence. My most resent attempt at getting it under control was to buy a small laundry basket for each member of the family. That way I or preferably they can do a load of just their clothes and when the load is done it gets carried to their room and put away, again prferably by them. It has made things better. There still tends to be a basket of clean clothes sitting around in each persons room, but it can fairly quickly be put away when the basket is needed again.

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