Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And Then There Was ONE (But, Hopefully Not For Long!!!)

By Stacie

Part 4 of Motherhood is NOT a Competitive Sport was unfortunately, Stephanie's last partnership post for Raised By a Village. She's decided to part ways and focus more on her own writing and interests. I totally respect her for making the hard choice to leave and I hope she feels free to maybe submit writings and comments in the future. I know I will always value her thoughts, tips, and help with parenting.

But the parting of ways has reignited a hope and idea I had for this blog. In my very first post on Raised By a Village I wrote:

Kids aren't just raised and taught by their parents. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends, teachers, books, articles, etc. all have a hand in helping each of us raise our kids. Anytime I need help with an issue I look it up on the internet, I call a friend, I talk to my sister and from there I create the best solution for my family. In turn, friends and family turn to me for advice as well. Even hearing fun stories and situations from others helps me to understand that I am not alone in this world and with what I experience as a mom, wife, woman, friend which comforts me in a way I will never be able to explain. I hope this site will be a place, a forum, for other mothers, wives and friends to find comfort and information that will come in handy in their own lives. This way we are all helping each other out and in a way creating a village of hope, love, fun, and hospitality of our own!

 What inspired me to start this blog was a situation about a year ago where I was feeling very down and depressed. I didn't feel like I was being a good mom, the greatest wife, or friend and I just didn't feel useful. At my lowest point, (8pm and a LARGE bowl of cookie's and cream ice cream) I called my sister. The moment she picked up the phone I started to cry. For the next 15 minutes she patiently listened to me sloppily blabber on about all the horrible, self loathing, inadequacies I dramatically felt about myself as a mom and wife. When I was finished, she spent 30 minutes inspiringly talking WITH me about ways I could change my outlook, gave me tips of what she found worked for her, and told me she's had the same feelings and thoughts at times. In a 45 minute conversation my sister changed my life and helped me grow as a mother, wife, and person. I went from feeling completely alone in my problems, to realizing everyone feels inadequate in their rolls as parents. 

I went from viewing my sister as a domestic goddess to seeing her as a hardworking mom that went through (goes through) all the same things I did or do. And it felt great! Knowing I wasn't alone and that all that she makes look easy was a struggle for her too.  I went to sleep that night so happy and excited for the next day and for what I could do differently.  After that experience the inspiration for the blog arose. A place where women, mothers, friends, weren't alone and to find inspiration, tips, help, stories to help them in all the many rolls they lead. 

So, after sharing all of that, I am now asking all of you to be my new partners! I pledge that I will do my best to post something new every week, but in return I open it up to all of you to feel free to share with the rest of us:

Helpful tips  
Product Reviews
Holiday Family Ideas
Cheap Craft Suggestions

What you'll be seeing from me soon:
Motherhood and Working
A potty training method that I absolutely LOVE
Small moments with my kids that make me smile and be happy to be a mom
CD's about improving communication within your marriage
How I'm helping my daughter learn her ABC's
Asking advice on various situations 

I hope that this might inspire you to want to share something with the rest of us! 

Some rules with submissions: Please avoid political or religious opinion pieces. I think we can all help and inspire each other no matter our personal religious and political beliefs. And I welcome opinions and soapboxes, I've used this blog for mine, but please be careful and know that I have the right to edit or not post at all if I feel a post is too offensive. But I welcome anything and everything that will enrich us all!

If you are interested and feel like you have something to share please leave a comment saying you'd like to write something or email me at and we will discuss further what you'd like to write about.

To start you all off a friend has already volunteered a piece she has been working on and that will be posted soon. 

Oh, and don't be surprised if you get a call or email from me asking you to write something!

1 comment:

Stephanie Cozzens said...

This sounds so awesome! I can't wait to see what you do now that you are Sole Supreme Dictator of Raised by a Village!

I was kind of sad to go, although it was the right thing for me. I'm happy to see that it's definitely the right thing for you, too.

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